Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post Christmas Update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Just before Christmas I received a wonderful gift from a friend of mine.  She sent me yarn and 3 pattern books.  The books are all filled with beautiful patterns that I can use for shawls, hats, blankets and more.  I am so excited about trying them out.  Since this storm is rolling in this should be a great time to work on something new.  We are supposed to be getting 10" - 20" of snow and gusting winds. 

Rev. Denise Clapsaddle has given me a gift of an ergonomic crochet hook with multiple tip sizes.  I already tried that out and love the way it feels.  Perhaps as I sit down today and try the new patterns I will see how it helps when I have a long crocheting session.

I now have 2 shawls here if anyone knows of a need.  I have also gotten word that other members of the church have some in their homes.  Please e-mail me if you need one.

There is something new on my wish list.  While you are out the shopping the after Christmas clearance sales please keep an eye out for basic gift bags.  We need them to present shawls and other items in.  Previously I have purchased solid color ones at Target an Big Lots.  It is nice to present the items in a pretty bag.  I staple one of our cards to the bags before I distribute the items.

The Michael's Arts and Crafts ad this week shows that there is Lion Brand Homespun yarn on sale.  It is $2.49.  That is the cheapest I have ever seen it.  It is however limited to some specific colors.  There is supposed to a special label on them.  I imagine the supply of them at this price is pretty limited so anyone looking to pick some up should get there as soon as they are able to.  There are also a lot of other yarns on sale.  Several of them would be ideal for chemo hats.  I have not checked the other ads yet to see what they have.  I do not plan on venturing out too far in this snow while I am on crutches.

My goal for this week is to find out if any of the local animal shelters in the area are accepting donations of blankets.  I have a lot of mismatched  worsted weight acrylic yarn left over from previous projects.  I do not think that the animals will mind if the colors do not coordinate.  Once I find out what the need it I will let everyone know.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reflecting on What We Have Instead of What We Don't During the Holidays

Regardless of your religious beliefs there is something very powerful about this time of year.  The happy become happier.  The lonely become lonelier.  The sad become sadder.  We think back to Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's of the past.  We think of the people that are no longer here to celebrate this time with us.  We think of the struggles of our past that we have overcome.  Our lives change year after year.  Children grow into adults, our relationships change, our financial security changes, and our goals change.  This is a wonderful time of year to reflect back and look forward.

This year I am experiencing Christmas on crutches.  It would be easy enough to complain about how challenging that is.  I can sit on the sofa and whine about how my foot hurts and how hard it is to complete my Christmas tasks.  Instead of doing that I have decided to look at the fact that I have my foot.  In fact, I am lucky enough to have all my limbs.  There are men and woman in the military that have lost their limbs this year so that I may sit on my sofa and not fear that my house will be bombed.  Sure I have pain, but my pain is bearable.  That is a lot better then others.

Pretty soon I will have to refill the oil tank that we use to heat our home.  It is going to be so expensive.  I am not looking forward to the bill.  Then again, at least I have a home that I can heat.  There are families in Haiti that are still living in tents.  They would be happy to have a solid home to live in whether or not the heat was running.  There are people in our own country that do not have a home.    Looking at it that way, please give me the bill.  I am happy to have it.

Yesterday when I picked my son up from school he started a fight with his sister before we even walked out the door.  I could get mad.  I could scream out, "I am so sick of this.  I need a break".  The other option is to look at them, correct the behavior and cherish the moment.  After all, I have two children.  They are healthy.  I get to see them every day.  Suddenly their fight is not so annoying anymore.  What would I do if I did not get to see them every day?  Could I bare it?  Could I handle it if one of them was diagnosed with a terminal illness?  What if I was never was able to have children at all?

My husband, Michael, has had to help me out since my surgery.  I hate the way he cleans.  Can he not see the fingerprints on the cabinet?  How many times do I have to tell him how to fold a towel or where I keep the extra tape?  I get so mad when he beats on my vacuum.........Wait......"STOP!", I must tell myself.  At least he is doing something to help.  He could do nothing.  I could be married to a man that beats me.  The next time he asks me where he could find a pen instead of screaming, "In the desk drawer where they always are!", I can say with a smile, "In the desk drawer.  Would you like me to get that for you?"

At this time of year we reflect.  We take in all the good and the bad and try to decide what to do with all of it.  Some of us make New Year's resolutions.  This year, when you look back, think about all that you have.  Not what you don't have.  Think of what you are able to do to improve the life of someone that has less.  Perhaps you can contribute time or funds to this ministry.   Maybe you will volunteer your time at a local charity or fund raising event.  Set a New Year's resolution that means something.  Make a resolution that will steer you in the direction of doing for others.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Yarn Picked up at Michael's Arts and Crafts

This evening we headed down to Michael's Arts and Crafts.  Lion Brand Homespun Yarn was on sale.  There was an additional coupon for 15% off you entire order including sales items.  In the end the yarn was $3.39 a skein.  That is an excellent price.  For shawls that require only 3 skeins the total cost for $10.17.  This goes to show that with some thrift shopping a small donation can make a large difference.

I am looking forward to making more items over the next few weeks.  I will be making shawls.  I am also aiming to make more hats for chemo patients.  I am inspired to do this by all the people recently diagnosed with cancer.  My desire is to make them up in some gender neutral colors for the most versatility.

Thank you Rev. Denise Clapsaddle for running an errand for the ministry this week!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

5 Prayer Shawls

This week we have passed out 5 prayer shawls to different individuals.  It is sad that these people are experiencing this personal difficulties but I am so glad that we could do something to comfort them.  The story for each person that receives these is different but is seems like cancer is at the top of the list lately.

At this point we are officially out of shawls.  I do have one that is almost complete but that will take me another day.  I am going to get to work on restocking right away and hope others will be able to help as well. 

If you do not knit or crochet you can help in another way.  We need more yarn for shawls.  The yarn that is most often used for these is Lion Brand Homespun.  We would greatly appreciate donations of either money to purchase the yarn or if you would rather pick out the yarn yourself that is great as well.  If you would like to purchase the yarn it is available over the internet at  To save on shipping is is available at Michael's Arts and Crafts, JoAnn's, A.C. Moore and Wal-Mart.  The patterns for the shawls usually call for all the yarn to be the same color.  Each shawl takes 3-6 skeins depending on the pattern.  The most popular patterns are the ones that call for 3.  Please check dye lots to make sure they match.  Yarn is manufactured in groups.  The color varies slightly from one to the next.  The dye lot number is stamped on the skein of yarn.

If you have any questions about the shawls or anything else please e-mail me at

Thank you!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lots of News

I have not posted an update in a while.  I was busy getting everything put together before surgery, which went very well.  Here is an update on what has been happening.

Colynn Hodge generously donated yarn, knitting looms, crochet hooks and knitting needles.  The yarn is a  pretty variety.  Some is Red Heart Super Saver which I am planning on making into lap throws for someone in a wheel chair.  Other yarns are great novelty yarns that will be ideal for using to trim a project.  If anyone needs the knitting needles, crochet hooks, or looms please let me know.

On Monday I delivered some items for donations. 

3 Hats for the Center for Cancer Care in Torrington  
5 Hats and 4 Very Soft Scarfs for the Susan B. Anthony project

I was not sure how my surgery was going to go so I had asked for help in delivering the baby items that I did not get around to delivering before surgery.  Kimberly Marchand kindly offered to help if needed.  Thanks Kim!  Since my surgery went so well I will be able to make that errand myself.  I will likely take care of that at the beginning of next week.

I currently have 3 prayer shawls made up that are in my home.  Susan Puhalski also has one.  I will like likely have another by the end of the week.  If you know of anyone that would be comforted by a shawl please let us know and we will get one right out.  These shawls can provide comfort to people going through many different personal challenges.  It is nice for people to know that they are not alone and that others are thinking of them.

I hope everyone has been enjoying their holiday season so far!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Looking for a Driver

On December 7th I am having surgery.  It is not a big deal but I will be on crutches for 4-6 weeks.  I was expecting to be delivering some donations during that time.  If anyone is interested in helping drop items off please contact me.

Thank you!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Fire on a Chilly Evening

Some things in life are so simple and so under appreciated.  Sitting by the fire with my family tonight I took a few minutes to relax.  A few minutes to stop worrying about my "to do" list.   It was a wonderful time.  A time that does not happen too often.

In the busy world we are in it often seems that everyone is rushing around from place to place complaining every step of the way.  But what if tragedy were to suddenly strike you?  You would quickly realize how those errands that were a chore now seem like a pleasure.  Perhaps you would feel that the $20 you spent on coffee last month is $20 that you now desperately need to pay your bills.

Life can change in an instant.  Stop and consider what is most important to you.  Make a difference today that will allow you to some day in the future look back at pride in your accomplishments.

Every time I complete a hat for a chemo patient I feel fulfillment.  Every time I put the last stitch in a scarf for a woman at the shelter I feel a since of pride.  Every time I gaze with pleasure at the beauty of a prayer shawl I just completed I feel comfort.  I feel these things because I know that the small task of creating these projects will help someone that needs it.  It is time that I have wisely spent.  I know that some day the rolls may be reversed and that I may be the one that needs a helping hand.  For today, I will do what I can to make a difference.  What will you choose to do?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Great Sale at Michaels Arts and Crafts this Week

I know a lot of people do not get the sale ads from Michaels so I wanted to let you know about the deals for this week.  On Thursday and Friday there is a coupon for 20% off your entire purchase including sales items.  Lions Brand Homespun is $3.99.  With the coupon that will be $3.19 a skein.  The also have Loops and Threads Country Loom on sale for $2.19 (less the 20% those 2 days).  This yarn is exclusive to Michaels.  It is one of my favorite for chemo hats.  It is thick and soft.  It comes in some great colors that would work well for both men and women.  There are several other types of yarn on sale.  There is a lot of other things on special as well.  There are paints, Christmas items, Crayola product for the kids, ribbon, beads and more.

I will be going to Michaels on Thursday morning to pick up some supplies.  I want to get there early before the supplies are picked over.  When I was at their Avon location last week there were 3 different colors that I was looking for that were out of stock.  Michaels does not keep any stock in the back.   When they get a delivery it is brought to the front.  That leaves their supplies pretty limited.

Shopping these sales is essential for me.  The lower the prices the more supplies I can pick up on a limited budget.

I am working towards a goal of some larger deliveries the second week of December.  I do craft fairs with my personal business.  This year I have decided that the scarfs and adult hats that are unsold will all be donated the the RCC Handmade Ministry recipients.  My last craft fair is the first Saturday in December.  I am looking forward to delivering a large batch to those in need.

Link the the Michael's Arts and Crafts Site

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hats for the Center for Cancer Care in Torrington

We just brought another set of hats into the Center for Cancer Care off of Kennedy Drive in Torrington today.  They are really needed at this time of year.  It is important that hats for chemo patients are made with soft yarn.  Yarns like Red Heart Super Saver are just too scratchy for this purpose.  The patients prefer that the hats be of a closed pattern.  No "holes" to reveal hair loss.  Our pastor made a hat out of Caron Bliss yarn on a knitting loom.  It was the most popular with the staff when they looked at the hats.  I hope to bring in more very soon.

As we were leaving the center my daughter noticed a stone path going around the side of the building.  We wandered over to see what it was.  It lead to a beautifully landscaped area complete with a multi level fish pond.  There are benches and small tables around to relax and take it all in.  There are plaques that show that these things were all donated in memory of individuals.  Absolutely beautiful!

Here is a photo of the hats that were brought in today.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

UCC Meeting

Today we were are the UCC Meeting in Middletown.  We met a lot of new people.  There were many people that had stories to share about their experiences with prayer shawls.  Many groups are making them.  They have such a wonderful meaning and they can go to many people for many reasons.

I would like people to know that there are needs for so many more items in addition to the shawls.  There are so many things that we can do that will help people as much as these shawls.  The care and thought that goes into all of these hand crafted items is emotionally helpful as well as physically helpful.  I am dedicating myself to help when I can through my crocheting and I hope others will help through their crafts as well.

On Thursday I was given a new idea of a need.  I made a statement to my dentist that I had been busy crocheting and she asked if I could make covers for portable oxygen tanks.  What a wonderful idea!  I am excited about looking into that and seeing what patterns I can come up it.

This week I will be heading the that Cancer Center in Torrington with a group of hats for chemo patients.  I hope that now the cold weather is here I can start supplying them with many more.

I have many more great ideas to share but it has been a long day.  A good, but long day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Preparing for the Meeting

This Saturday we will have a table set up with information at the UCC meeting in Middletown.  We are hoping to use this opportunity to get the word out.  We would love to discover new people that are willing to help out as well as those that we can assist.  I am really looking forward to the opportunity to make new connections.

This past Sunday we collected some beautiful items.  Most of these were made by Colynn Hodge.  I have included a photo of the new items.  These will be distributed shortly.  If there is not an immediate need for them this week I will likely have the on display on Saturday.

Thanks Colynn and everyone else for your beautiful hand crafted donations!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fair Wrap Up

Last night was the end of the Riverton Fair.  The Duck Race Raffle went great with local celebrity Scot Haney of WFSB there to MC the event.  During the weekend we had a prayer shawl on display and had some general information about the ministry handy to anyone that was interested.  I found a lot more people are familiar with the prayer shawls then there were just a few years ago.

My weekend was highlighted by a heartfelt thank you from a woman that was a recipient of one of our shawls.  It has brought her a lot of comfort.  It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that the shawl has made a difference.

Here is a photo of the booth we had set up to sell tickets for the raffle as well as the crowd that gathered to hear the announcement of the winners.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Riverton Fair

This weekend in the Riverton Fair.  The Riverton Congregational Church will be holding their Fourth Annual Duck Race Raffle.  I will be present in the booth where they are selling tickets throughout the weekend.  If anyone has any questions about the ministry please ask.

This year Scot Haney from WFSB has once again agreed to help the church out by being the MC for the race.  IF you are from around here you know what a big deal he is.

I am working hard to make up some prayer shawls to be available for viewing this weekend.

I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Gift of Patterns

Yesterday was my 8th Wedding Anniversary.  I was not expecting a thing from my husband.  He is not at all romantic and we are on a strict budget these days.  He came home from work with one of the best gifts I could think of.  It was the Lion Brand book of Prayer Shawl patterns that I had been wanting.  I am so thrilled to have this book!  It was not just the gift of the book that I was so happy with, it was knowing that my husband knows where my heart lies.  I am so dedicated to forming this ministry and helping as many as people as I can them I a laying awake at night thinking about it.

Here is a picture of what used to be the "nursery".  Once my children outgrew their cribs this was supposed to be the home office / den.  It is now consumed by my craft projects.  This is a tiny little room that will never be clean and I would not have it any other way.

I am trying to prepare for a couple of events in October that will be great opportunities to grow the ministry.  If you know of any charity organizations that may be in need of items for distribution please let me know as soon as possible.  I would like to have some "wish lists" put together before these events.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Links for Shawl Patterns

If you are bored with the same classic pattern for the prayer shawls, here is a link to some more.

Lion Brand Homespun Shawl Patterns

There are so many beautiful ones that I do not know which one to try next.  My goal is to have some ready to display at a special meeting in October as well as to have enough of a supply to meet demand.

My next intended batch of donations is the Cancer Center in Torrington.  I have not brought anything in since early this summer.  I only have 3 hats made up to bring there.  I need several more.  If anyone has any ready to go please let me know.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A trip to JoAnn's

I received an e-mailed coupon for JoAnn's to use over Labor Day weekend.  It was for 10% off your entire purchase including sales items.  Lion Brand Homespun yarn was on sale so I figured this was a great opportunity to pick of some yarn for prayer shawls.  If you are as addicted to yarn as I am you will find JoAnn's in Manchester, Connecticut to be a masterpiece of a yarn collection.  When I got to the yarn department I found that most yarns were on sale for buy one, get one 50% off.  It sure was hard to limit my purchase and stay on budget.

As I was pondering over my yarn selections I overheard a couple of women wondering if a skein of Homespun was enough for a scarf.  I let them know that in fact it was.  It actually is enough to make a real nice sized scarf.  They then stated that they were really looking for yarn to make a shawl.  I lit up at the opportunity to help them out with this.  It turns out that one of the women has not knitted in 20 years but was asked to make a shawl by her church.  I wish I had more time to share shawl stories with her but here is the story I told her about....

This past winter my Uncle Gordon was quite ill.  His illness had been a long term situation.  Every time he recovered a bit he would have another set back.  He was sent to a rehabilitation facility where he took a turn for the worse.  It was quickly made clear after he was taken to the hospital that his time had come.  My Uncle Gordon would not have wanted many to see him in these final hours.  He was in his hospital room with his wife, sister and brother.  I went to the hospital to assist in bringing some medications to my aunt.  As I entered the dark and ugly room I saw the shawl that lay across Uncle Gordon's bed.   It was a beautiful deep blue.  The appearance of the shawl in such a sterile environment was in itself beautiful.  However the warmth of the caring that went into that piece truly brought brightness to the room. 

Uncle Gordon quickly passed.  The shawl is now at his home that he shared with his wife.  The first couple of times that I saw the shawl in the home it was as if I was looking at him.  It was a comforting presence and a reminder that in some ways he will always be here...

The prayer shawls go to many people for many reasons.  They are given to someone recovering from surgery, a person that has lost a job and is struggling to get by, someone that has experienced a loss of a loved one, someone that is struggling to survive and more.  These shawls can bring comfort to a recipient when they feel all alone or sad.  They can wrap themselves in the shawl and feel the prayers, love and care that have gone into the creation of the shawl.

If you are interested in making a shawl there are many great patterns available.  The most popular yarn used for making them is Lion Brand Homespun.  It takes 3 skeins to make a standard prayer shawl.  Lion Brand has also published 2 pattern books on  shawls.  I have yet to purchase them but I likely will very soon.  The shawls can be knit or crocheted.  They are both long and wide so that they can be wrapped right around the person.

If you are interested in helping with making shawls but do not know how, I will gladly help you learn some basic stitches.  You can also assist by donating yarn to make them with or money to purchase the yarn.

If you know of anyone that is in need of a shawl please let us know.  If the person is not located in the Connecticut area a shawl can be shipped out to them with a card. 

Please send me an e-mail with any requests or questions. or  Please just write "Prayer Shawl" in the subject line so I do not confuse your message as spam.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Small Delivery to the Susan B. Anthony Project

Today I gathered a small batch of items to bring to the Susan B. Anthony Project.  I did not have as many items together as I would have liked to but I am confident that everything that is brought in will go to good use.

I am very impressed with the Susan B. Anthony Project.  They are located at 179 Water Street in Torrington, Connecticut.  The building that they are currently in is the one that used to house the law firm that I worked for.  It is amazing what they have done to the building.  They have updated it on the inside and made it fit their needs but kept it's beautiful character.  I believe the building used to be the home of the Torrington Brass company or something such as that many years ago.  The Susan B. Anthony project helps many women and children.  There services have made a huge difference in the lives of many people.  They are a place to turn to when there is no where else to turn.

The items that I brought in today will be distributed to the women and children that they are helping.  It gives me great pleasure to bring these things in knowing that these people have so little that these items really will make a difference and help them out.  In addition to the handmade items pictured below I also brought in some new bras and hosiery.  Those items as well as many others are always needed.

My next goal is to complete a group of hats to bring to the Cancer Care Center in Torrington.  I would like to complete them quickly because they weather is starting to turn cool.  Some of these evenings lately have been quite chilly.  Please let me know if you have any hats that you would like to include in the next group I drop off.  You are welcome to come along too when I bring them.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Granny Square Scarf

This morning I just completed my newest project for charity.  I made some granny squares up with Vanna's Choice Yarn.  It was yarn I had left over from a baby blanket I made.  This yarn is currently available at Ocean State Job Lot for $3.00 for the large 7 ounces skein.  The ones available at Michael's, ACMoore, etc are smaller.  This is also a great way to use up leftover pieces.  You could even buy up some mismatched yarn cheaply at a tag sale and make these squares.

I love the idea of making items like this as a group.  Multiple people can make squares.  Different people can sew them together and add the border.  If anyone is interested in a project like this please let me know.  Squares can be formed together to make many different things.

Later this week I plan on dropping off this scarf along with several other items at the Susan B. Anthony project in Torrington.  I am also working on getting together a group of hats for the Cancer Care Center in Torrington.  If anyone is interested in donating to the cancer center please note that they only treat adult patients.  If you have smaller hats I can gladly find a different place that does treat children.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Recent Passing of a Friend - by Rev. Denise Clapsaddle

My dear friend Melanie Pieper-Utter passed away yesterday at the age of forty-six. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know Melanie. She was the oldest of six siblings who went to my church and my school. We survived a two-year long confirmation class, as this photo attests. (She’s the tall one, I’m the awkward looking short girl.) Both of us continued to cling to the Christian faith nurtured in us at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ. Melanie and I shared a sarcastic sense of humor that we probably got from our respective fathers. Melanie also had a sweetness that reminded me of her mom, a wonderful woman who clearly felt that children are life’s greatest reward and blessing. I can’t imagine how painful this loss is for Mel’s family. Her younger sister also died of cancer.
In life Mel was a hair stylist who specialized in making hair pieces and wigs for those who had lost their own hair. She helped many cancer survivors through her vocation. Mel’s passing has inspired me to begin making chemo caps for other cancer survivors. Cancer survivors appreciate having a variety of items to cover their head quickly and comfortably, something to wear around the house or while running errands. A good chemo hat needs to be soft, because a cancer survivor’s scalp can be tender. It should also be knitted or crocheted in a closed pattern, in order to conceal the hair loss.
I am a loom knitter. I picked up loom knitting because I found it difficult to make loose, even stitches while knitting and crocheting. Another member of our church was a loom knitter and so I decided to try and I was instantly hooked. Loom knitting is somewhat faster and easier than knitting with needles. I have made a variety of items and enjoy challenging myself with new patterns. A good source of loom knitting patterns can be found online at

-Rev. Denise Clapsaddle

Below is a photo of a hat and mitten set done with loom knitting.

Welcome to our blog!

Horray!  We have taken the next step in reaching out to those in need.  The Riverton Congregational Church Handmade Ministry is quickly coming together.  We are pairing people that have a desire to help with those that have needs.  We are starting this blog in an effort to reach further into the community for help and assistance in helping.

There are many organizations out there that accept then distribute items such as handmade baby blankets.  We are working with crafters of all types to create items to those with many different types of needs instead of concentrating on one type of thing.  In doing so we hope to reach a greater range of people in need.  Crocheted or knit caps are being distributed to cancer centers.  Handmade blankets and accessories have been brought to shelters.  An item as simple as a crocheted dish cloth can go a long way in helping someone from a shelter in their first steps of building their new life.

You can help by crocheting, knitting, sewing, woodcrafting, beading and almost anything that you can craft.  If you do not have any crafting experience we can teach you how to make items.  Help is also needed in way of monetary funds for materials.  We may at some points need assistance in distributing items once they have been created or administrative work.

One of our new ideas is to crochet squares as s group.  Different people can make the squares with the same pattern and yarn type.  Those squares can be combined into one blanket.

If you or anyone you know are in need of any of our handmade items please contact me for further information.

Donated items must be clean and from a non-smoking environment.  This is a list of items that we can use.  There are many more things but this is just an idea.

  • Prayer Shawls
  • Twin sized blankets
  • Hats for chemo patieints
  • Preemie clothing
  • Handmade dishcloths and towels
  • Scarf, hat and mittens
  • Handmade accessories such as jewelery and hair scrunchies
  • Basic furniture for someone starting a new home after being at a shelter
  • Embroidered items such as pillow cases and table runners
  • Handmade handbags