Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post Christmas Update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Just before Christmas I received a wonderful gift from a friend of mine.  She sent me yarn and 3 pattern books.  The books are all filled with beautiful patterns that I can use for shawls, hats, blankets and more.  I am so excited about trying them out.  Since this storm is rolling in this should be a great time to work on something new.  We are supposed to be getting 10" - 20" of snow and gusting winds. 

Rev. Denise Clapsaddle has given me a gift of an ergonomic crochet hook with multiple tip sizes.  I already tried that out and love the way it feels.  Perhaps as I sit down today and try the new patterns I will see how it helps when I have a long crocheting session.

I now have 2 shawls here if anyone knows of a need.  I have also gotten word that other members of the church have some in their homes.  Please e-mail me if you need one.

There is something new on my wish list.  While you are out the shopping the after Christmas clearance sales please keep an eye out for basic gift bags.  We need them to present shawls and other items in.  Previously I have purchased solid color ones at Target an Big Lots.  It is nice to present the items in a pretty bag.  I staple one of our cards to the bags before I distribute the items.

The Michael's Arts and Crafts ad this week shows that there is Lion Brand Homespun yarn on sale.  It is $2.49.  That is the cheapest I have ever seen it.  It is however limited to some specific colors.  There is supposed to a special label on them.  I imagine the supply of them at this price is pretty limited so anyone looking to pick some up should get there as soon as they are able to.  There are also a lot of other yarns on sale.  Several of them would be ideal for chemo hats.  I have not checked the other ads yet to see what they have.  I do not plan on venturing out too far in this snow while I am on crutches.

My goal for this week is to find out if any of the local animal shelters in the area are accepting donations of blankets.  I have a lot of mismatched  worsted weight acrylic yarn left over from previous projects.  I do not think that the animals will mind if the colors do not coordinate.  Once I find out what the need it I will let everyone know.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reflecting on What We Have Instead of What We Don't During the Holidays

Regardless of your religious beliefs there is something very powerful about this time of year.  The happy become happier.  The lonely become lonelier.  The sad become sadder.  We think back to Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's of the past.  We think of the people that are no longer here to celebrate this time with us.  We think of the struggles of our past that we have overcome.  Our lives change year after year.  Children grow into adults, our relationships change, our financial security changes, and our goals change.  This is a wonderful time of year to reflect back and look forward.

This year I am experiencing Christmas on crutches.  It would be easy enough to complain about how challenging that is.  I can sit on the sofa and whine about how my foot hurts and how hard it is to complete my Christmas tasks.  Instead of doing that I have decided to look at the fact that I have my foot.  In fact, I am lucky enough to have all my limbs.  There are men and woman in the military that have lost their limbs this year so that I may sit on my sofa and not fear that my house will be bombed.  Sure I have pain, but my pain is bearable.  That is a lot better then others.

Pretty soon I will have to refill the oil tank that we use to heat our home.  It is going to be so expensive.  I am not looking forward to the bill.  Then again, at least I have a home that I can heat.  There are families in Haiti that are still living in tents.  They would be happy to have a solid home to live in whether or not the heat was running.  There are people in our own country that do not have a home.    Looking at it that way, please give me the bill.  I am happy to have it.

Yesterday when I picked my son up from school he started a fight with his sister before we even walked out the door.  I could get mad.  I could scream out, "I am so sick of this.  I need a break".  The other option is to look at them, correct the behavior and cherish the moment.  After all, I have two children.  They are healthy.  I get to see them every day.  Suddenly their fight is not so annoying anymore.  What would I do if I did not get to see them every day?  Could I bare it?  Could I handle it if one of them was diagnosed with a terminal illness?  What if I was never was able to have children at all?

My husband, Michael, has had to help me out since my surgery.  I hate the way he cleans.  Can he not see the fingerprints on the cabinet?  How many times do I have to tell him how to fold a towel or where I keep the extra tape?  I get so mad when he beats on my vacuum.........Wait......"STOP!", I must tell myself.  At least he is doing something to help.  He could do nothing.  I could be married to a man that beats me.  The next time he asks me where he could find a pen instead of screaming, "In the desk drawer where they always are!", I can say with a smile, "In the desk drawer.  Would you like me to get that for you?"

At this time of year we reflect.  We take in all the good and the bad and try to decide what to do with all of it.  Some of us make New Year's resolutions.  This year, when you look back, think about all that you have.  Not what you don't have.  Think of what you are able to do to improve the life of someone that has less.  Perhaps you can contribute time or funds to this ministry.   Maybe you will volunteer your time at a local charity or fund raising event.  Set a New Year's resolution that means something.  Make a resolution that will steer you in the direction of doing for others.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Yarn Picked up at Michael's Arts and Crafts

This evening we headed down to Michael's Arts and Crafts.  Lion Brand Homespun Yarn was on sale.  There was an additional coupon for 15% off you entire order including sales items.  In the end the yarn was $3.39 a skein.  That is an excellent price.  For shawls that require only 3 skeins the total cost for $10.17.  This goes to show that with some thrift shopping a small donation can make a large difference.

I am looking forward to making more items over the next few weeks.  I will be making shawls.  I am also aiming to make more hats for chemo patients.  I am inspired to do this by all the people recently diagnosed with cancer.  My desire is to make them up in some gender neutral colors for the most versatility.

Thank you Rev. Denise Clapsaddle for running an errand for the ministry this week!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

5 Prayer Shawls

This week we have passed out 5 prayer shawls to different individuals.  It is sad that these people are experiencing this personal difficulties but I am so glad that we could do something to comfort them.  The story for each person that receives these is different but is seems like cancer is at the top of the list lately.

At this point we are officially out of shawls.  I do have one that is almost complete but that will take me another day.  I am going to get to work on restocking right away and hope others will be able to help as well. 

If you do not knit or crochet you can help in another way.  We need more yarn for shawls.  The yarn that is most often used for these is Lion Brand Homespun.  We would greatly appreciate donations of either money to purchase the yarn or if you would rather pick out the yarn yourself that is great as well.  If you would like to purchase the yarn it is available over the internet at  To save on shipping is is available at Michael's Arts and Crafts, JoAnn's, A.C. Moore and Wal-Mart.  The patterns for the shawls usually call for all the yarn to be the same color.  Each shawl takes 3-6 skeins depending on the pattern.  The most popular patterns are the ones that call for 3.  Please check dye lots to make sure they match.  Yarn is manufactured in groups.  The color varies slightly from one to the next.  The dye lot number is stamped on the skein of yarn.

If you have any questions about the shawls or anything else please e-mail me at

Thank you!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lots of News

I have not posted an update in a while.  I was busy getting everything put together before surgery, which went very well.  Here is an update on what has been happening.

Colynn Hodge generously donated yarn, knitting looms, crochet hooks and knitting needles.  The yarn is a  pretty variety.  Some is Red Heart Super Saver which I am planning on making into lap throws for someone in a wheel chair.  Other yarns are great novelty yarns that will be ideal for using to trim a project.  If anyone needs the knitting needles, crochet hooks, or looms please let me know.

On Monday I delivered some items for donations. 

3 Hats for the Center for Cancer Care in Torrington  
5 Hats and 4 Very Soft Scarfs for the Susan B. Anthony project

I was not sure how my surgery was going to go so I had asked for help in delivering the baby items that I did not get around to delivering before surgery.  Kimberly Marchand kindly offered to help if needed.  Thanks Kim!  Since my surgery went so well I will be able to make that errand myself.  I will likely take care of that at the beginning of next week.

I currently have 3 prayer shawls made up that are in my home.  Susan Puhalski also has one.  I will like likely have another by the end of the week.  If you know of anyone that would be comforted by a shawl please let us know and we will get one right out.  These shawls can provide comfort to people going through many different personal challenges.  It is nice for people to know that they are not alone and that others are thinking of them.

I hope everyone has been enjoying their holiday season so far!