Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Looking for a Driver

On December 7th I am having surgery.  It is not a big deal but I will be on crutches for 4-6 weeks.  I was expecting to be delivering some donations during that time.  If anyone is interested in helping drop items off please contact me.  leclaire91402@yahoo.com

Thank you!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Fire on a Chilly Evening

Some things in life are so simple and so under appreciated.  Sitting by the fire with my family tonight I took a few minutes to relax.  A few minutes to stop worrying about my "to do" list.   It was a wonderful time.  A time that does not happen too often.

In the busy world we are in it often seems that everyone is rushing around from place to place complaining every step of the way.  But what if tragedy were to suddenly strike you?  You would quickly realize how those errands that were a chore now seem like a pleasure.  Perhaps you would feel that the $20 you spent on coffee last month is $20 that you now desperately need to pay your bills.

Life can change in an instant.  Stop and consider what is most important to you.  Make a difference today that will allow you to some day in the future look back at pride in your accomplishments.

Every time I complete a hat for a chemo patient I feel fulfillment.  Every time I put the last stitch in a scarf for a woman at the shelter I feel a since of pride.  Every time I gaze with pleasure at the beauty of a prayer shawl I just completed I feel comfort.  I feel these things because I know that the small task of creating these projects will help someone that needs it.  It is time that I have wisely spent.  I know that some day the rolls may be reversed and that I may be the one that needs a helping hand.  For today, I will do what I can to make a difference.  What will you choose to do?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Great Sale at Michaels Arts and Crafts this Week

I know a lot of people do not get the sale ads from Michaels so I wanted to let you know about the deals for this week.  On Thursday and Friday there is a coupon for 20% off your entire purchase including sales items.  Lions Brand Homespun is $3.99.  With the coupon that will be $3.19 a skein.  The also have Loops and Threads Country Loom on sale for $2.19 (less the 20% those 2 days).  This yarn is exclusive to Michaels.  It is one of my favorite for chemo hats.  It is thick and soft.  It comes in some great colors that would work well for both men and women.  There are several other types of yarn on sale.  There is a lot of other things on special as well.  There are paints, Christmas items, Crayola product for the kids, ribbon, beads and more.

I will be going to Michaels on Thursday morning to pick up some supplies.  I want to get there early before the supplies are picked over.  When I was at their Avon location last week there were 3 different colors that I was looking for that were out of stock.  Michaels does not keep any stock in the back.   When they get a delivery it is brought to the front.  That leaves their supplies pretty limited.

Shopping these sales is essential for me.  The lower the prices the more supplies I can pick up on a limited budget.

I am working towards a goal of some larger deliveries the second week of December.  I do craft fairs with my personal business.  This year I have decided that the scarfs and adult hats that are unsold will all be donated the the RCC Handmade Ministry recipients.  My last craft fair is the first Saturday in December.  I am looking forward to delivering a large batch to those in need.

Link the the Michael's Arts and Crafts Site